![]() The eventual goal of science is to provide a single theory that describes the entire universe. Most scientists separate this problem into two parts. First, there are the laws that tell us how the universe changes with time. Second, there is the question of the initial state of the universe. Some people feel that science should be concerned with only the first part. They regard the second part as a matter for metaphysics or religion. How do we define religion? A religion is a person's expression of his or her acknowledgment of the divine, a system of beliefs and practices relating to the sacred and uniting its adherents in a community, something that has a powerful hold on a person's way of thinking. Religion determines a person's "values." In scientific terms these values are known as "references." The only way to be sure of a person's height is to measure the person with a measuring tape. In this case, the measuring tape is the reference. Science progresses precisely by finding fault with what has already been accepted. Science is characterized by an interplay of theory and experiment-it's like a wagon pulled by two horses. An experimental horse that can pull but blind, and a theoretical horse that can not pull but can see. Together they pull the wagon. The wagon is the Darwinian Evolution, that is, survival of the fittest. In science if there is only one theory and everybody believes in it, then it becomes a religion. If such a theory can be postulated and verified, then within this theory science and religion become one. Scientific achievement is fueled by the simple desire to make things clear. At Fermilab, located outside Chicago, Illinois, USA, scientists are using a particle accelerator (four miles in circumference) to unify some of the fundamental forces that are known to physics. Magnets forming the circular accelerator pull atomic particles around the four mile track (circumference) 50,000 times per second. When these accelerating particles collide, it mimics a miniature "Big Bang." From the debris emerge a picture of how the universe began. At Fermilab scientists are not only discovering that magnetism is one of the tools in science, but the electromagnetic force itself is the key to unravel the mysteries of creation. Today in our known universe there are four known fundamental forces. These forces separated from "The Unified Force" in the following order: 1) Gravity, the force that keeps the planets and galaxies in place. 2) The Strong force that holds atomic nuclei together. 3) The Weak force that causes slow disintrigation of atomic nuclei. 4) The Electromagnetic force that binds electrons to the nuclei and tie atoms together into molecules. A physicist's "Holy Grail" is a theory that unifies all four known fundamental forces and is known as "The Unified Field Theory" (also The Unified Theory). Albert Einstein had spent the last thirty years of his life to achieve this unification. He was unsuccessful in his try. To achieve total unification of all four known fundamental forces' physicists would require a particle accelerator that is 1000 light years in circumference-an invention humanity will never achieve. In the scientific world, a good theory should satisfy two requirements. First, it must accurately describe a large class of observations on the basis of a model that contains only a few arbitrary elements. Second, it must make definite predictions about the results of future observations. This treatise presents a solution to the question posed by the search for a "Unified Field Theory." This solution proposes that the four known fundamental forces that govern our known universe do indeed unifies to a single force and that single force is the imagination of the human mind. Human mind-located in our brain is the most powerful Photonics Computer that humanity will ever have. It is a computer powered by the energy of "light," and is the pinnacle of the photonic technology. Previously it was thought that life is a freak, a fluke, a statistically extremely improbable accident, that occurred just here on earth. However, recent evidences indicate otherwise. We do not see ourselves as alone in this vast universe. Yet, if we could only find life in other places, we will realize that we belong with them, that all together we make up something that the universe is called forth, because it needed it. If we were to discover life elsewhere in the universe, as long as it can be shown to be independent of life on earth, this will be the greatest scientific discovery of all time. For in a sense, the search for extraterrestrial life is really a search for ourselves. Who we are and what our place is in the grand sweep of the cosmos. For any human, this incredible sense of belonging in one great river of time is the ultimate experience. This great river of time started its journey from the birth of the universe, the Big Bang theory, followed by the quantum fluctuations. From quantum fluctuation's galaxies are formed, which made possible for the formation of stars and solar systems. The death of a star known as the supernovae cooked and shaded heavier elements into the interstellar medium. Later these heavier elements got swept-up into the solar system that makes planet earth, and organic matter. From organic matter came "life." Life as simple as a single celled organism to the most complicated structure in the known universe, the human brain. We arose according to perfectly understandable, complicated steps, not magic. In the last years of the twentieth century we have consciously evolved from finding light of knowledge to knowledge of light. Researching the celestial bodies tells us what the past was like, how we got here, and what the future is likely to be like. This knowledge is important to all humankind so each of us can decide where we fit into the big picture. It is one very beautiful integrated story from beginning to the end. Since the dawn of time seven days and seven nights that humanity looks-up to the sky we see that every moment of our lives is a "festival of light.