Interpretation of "Adam and Eve story" from the Book of Genesis applying the Unified Field Theory or the Covenant as the reference or value. ![]() Part One The story of Adam and Eve appears in the first two chapters of Genesis, the first book of the Five books of Moses-the Old Testament. The basic aim of Book of Genesis is to relate all of creation and history to God. Scholars have shown convincingly that the Book of Genesis was complied from several sources and it was written down after centuries of being an oral tradition. Adam and Eve, the first man and woman are progenitors of the human race. They were the world's first lovers, the prototype for all other lovers that are known and written about in the human history. Adam (Hebrew adam, "man or mankind") the name comes from Aramaic for the word “blood,” and in Hebrew it means ground or earth. He was quite practically the world's first gardener. The name “Eve” came from the Hebrew word h awwa, meaning “the living one.” She is hailed as the mother of all natural born humans. Adam and Eve were created vegetarians. Their relationship was used as a model for the relationship between married couple for generations. In ancient times, it was commonly assumed that every species of life on earth, including human, had descended from a pair of aboriginal ancestors who had been created directly by God. In this respect, the biblical story of Adam and Eve differs only in details from many other similar myths of the ancient Middle East and elsewhere. However, unlike the creation story of pagan beliefs Genesis is a “monotheistic tale,” in which redemption is possible, and it attempts to explain the origins of evil and the nature of God and humanity. What is exceptional in the biblical stories, however, is their tendency to deal with humanity not as a by-product or an afterthought of the creative mind of the deity, but as having been at the forefront of divine thought from the beginning. The Bible is one of the most ancient books known to the western world. The Adam and Eve story were considered a historical document handing down authentic information about a relatively recent past in an unbroken tradition from generation to generation. It was taken for granted that the story was nothing less than a historical account of an actual event. In the first chapter of Genesis God created man and woman in his image. "So God created human beings in his image. In the image of God, he created them. He created them male and female"...............................................Genesis (1: 27) Within the first several poetic pages of Genesis the entire creation is completed, then strangely in chapter two the events are repeated, however in a different order and dramatic shift on emphasis as well. Chapter one end on the sixth day of creation and mentions nothing about the Garden of Eden. In chapter two not only the man (Adam) was created a second time, but it occurs before not after all other life. Current theories among scholars are that the creation story in chapter two was written 1000 BCE, when the writers of the Five Books of Moses-the Old Testament were prosperous and God was consider directly responsible for their prosperity. The creation story in chapter one with its highly spiritual, poetic, and nonviolent opening was probably written four centuries later (around 600 BCE) during or after the writers of the Five Books of Moses-the Old Testament suffered the trauma of defeat and exile to Babylon. From pain and suffering come knowledge and wisdom. During the Hebrew exile (known as the Diaspora), it was very important for every Hebrew to know that their God was more remote and dignified. This concept of God would give them the strength and courage to survive during their exile. The Hebrew God appeared to the prophet Ezekiel during his exile in Babylon. Biblical writers who wrote the creation story in chapter one had a different set of references or values from the writers who wrote chapter two. Interpretation of a story varies according to the references or values that were used. During the exile, it was very important for every Hebrew to know the true nature of their God. In the beginning of chapter two, this is symbolized by the use of the number “seven.” It represents the seven spectra (colors in the rainbow) that the visible light produces when it is refracted through a “prism.” Prism: (Late Latin prisma, from Greek, “a thing sawed,” prism, from priein, to saw.) A prism saw’s (cuts, separates) the light in seven parts or spectra. “Visible light” is the Hebrew God “Yahweh” whose presence is everywhere and no human and most other life forms on earth (heat and light are both carried by photons) can survive in absence of this Omnipotent God. In a broader spectrum, the electromagnetic force is the “invisible” or unseen God of Moses. Light is a narrow window of the electromagnetic force. In the rest of the Five Books of Moses-the Old Testament wherever number seven appears it signifies God, or presence of God, “viewed by the light.” The seven candles in the ceremonial seven-branched candelabrum known as the “menorah” that is used in Hebrew Temples or Synagogues symbolizes the seven days of the creation as mentioned in the Book of Exodus. "God blessed The seventh day and made it a holy day, because on that day he rested from all the work he had done in creating the world”........Genesis (2: 3). That is why when the “numbers” (in the Hebrew language each alphabet is assigned a numerical value) for the Hebrew words God and nature is added separately their totals are the same, indicating that they have similar meaning-God is Nature. God = Nature = Light. One cannot see or view anything in nature without the presence of light. That is, we only see the light matter, matter that emits and reflects light, which is only 5% of the universe. The remaining compositions of the universe are 35% dark matter, matter that does not emit or reflect light and 60% dark energy. In our modern world, what most people take for granted namely that they are not expected to work more than six days a week represents the most tangible legacy of the story of creation as told in the book of Genesis. The “week” (from Latin vicis, “change”) is the seven day period now in universal use as a division of time, and is mentioned as a unit of time in the Genesis (29:27). It is based on the natural phenomenon known as the “rainbow,” or number of color spectra’s observed when “white light” is refracted through a prism. So God said to Noah, "the rainbow is a sign of the agreement that I made with all living things on earth."..................................................................Genesis (9:17) The division of lunar month into seven-day periods began as a celebration of the creation of the world in six days with the seventh day for rest. Modern scholars assumed that use of number “seven” in the Five books of Moses-the Old Testament originated from Babylonians knowledge of astronomy. The Babylonians only knew the existence of five planets (Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venous, and Saturn) with the Sun and the Moon made seven dominant heavenly objects of the sky. Each day of the week is named from these celestial objects. The Roman week was an eight-day period until 303 CE, when official recognition of a faith changed it to a seven-day period. Prior to biblical times, there was no formal day off. The writers of the Five Books of Moses-the Old Testament were all slaves, and rest on the seventh day was essential for the survival of their physical body from the harsh working condition. “Eden,” in Hebrew means, “delight.” It was the first residence of humankind. Controversy has revolved around the question of the geographic location of Eden. The name is probably connected with Edinn, the Sumerian name for the plain of Babylon. In Sumerian tale, Eden is also referred as “paradise” (Greek paradesisos, garden, orchard, paradise). It is described as a “pure bright land” where no sickness or death exists and all creatures lives in harmony. Although the Five Books of Moses-the Old Testament does not usually indulge in physical description, but there is a sense that the first human beings were perfect. It is not known how long Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden until the serpent appears in the story. "You may eat the fruit from any tree in the garden,................................................Genesis (1:16). But you must not eat the fruit from the tree which gives the knowledge of good and evil. If you ever eat fruit from that tree, you will die......................................................Genesis (1:17). What do the biblical writers are referring in the sentence “the tree that gives the knowledge of good and evil?” Eve was not present when God told Adam not to eat the fruit of forbidden tree, but it is clear in the story that she knew about the warning. Ptolemy II of Egypt, ordered to have the Hebrew sacred texts translated into Greek, known as the “Septuagint.” This was done by the Essenes who lived near Alexandria. The Essenes were reluctant to include all the esoteric lore of the original texts in their translations, so they disguised some original material and introduced some new material. The story of Adam and Eve and the serpent in the Garden of Eden, for example, were all Essene additions to the original Hebrew text. The biblical writers chose the serpent as the fall guy because of the powerful effect of its venom. If one nurtures a sick or injured snake to recovery the moment it becomes healthy the first person it will bite is the person who saved it. In the Adam & Eve story, the snake is an example of a person who has no conscious. The woman answered the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden...................................................Genesis (3:2). But God told us, 'you must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, you must not even touch it, or you will die'........................................Genesis (3:3) The woman (Eve) does the forbidden thing, she eats the fruit from the tree that gives the knowledge of good and evil referred to as “the original sin.” The term “deliciously sinful” originates from this act by Eve. The woman saw that the tree was beautiful, that its fruit was good to eat, and that it would make her wise. So she took some of its fruit and ate it. She also gave some of the fruit to her husband, and he ate it.............................Genesis (3: 6). Then, it was as if their eyes were opened. They realized they were naked, so they sewed fig leaves together and made something to cover themselves........Genesis (3: 7). These two verses’ are the most important clues in understanding the deeper meaning of the Adam and Eve story. It separates us from other primates and early humanoid. To decipher the deeper meaning of these two verses’ first we have to familiar ourselves with the theory of the origin of the human species, Homo sapiens (a thinking person).