
"Light is the ink with which our
past and future are written"

Festival of light
- How did the scholars of the past perceived the universe? Ancient Egyptian, Greek
- Astronomers of the “Common Era,” model of the universe, Sir. Isaac Newton.
- William Herschel and what he observed in the sky with his large telescope
- Edwin Hubble's research, and Christian Doppler.
- Birth of “The Big Bang Theory,” St. Augustine, Nature of time.
- Albert Einstein's famous energy equation and how does the equation applies in our daily life.
- How did the universe evolve from the Big Bang? The formation of matter, and the divisions of the fundamental forces.
- Light, its nature, properties, and speed
- The General and Special Theory of Relativity.
- Uncertainty principles, Quantum Mechanics and the theory of matter.
- Chemical elements that are in the periodic table.
- Formation of: Galaxy, Star, Planets, and theSolar system.
- The “Inflation Theory,” and the fate of the universe.
- Dark Matter-MACHO, WIMP, Neutrino
- Why the need to know the “missing mass” of the universe.

Trapped light
- The unified field theory astronomers, cosmologists and physicists are trying to postulate.
- Correlations between the big bang theory and the Book of Genesis.
- Who or what is God or our Creator, references from the Old Testament.
- Concept of God in Egyptians mythology and the Old Testament.
- What is our soul?
- Kirilian photography and history of aura images.
- Effect of electromagnetic force on our soul.
- Definition of life.
- Is science missing something fundamental in its definition of life.
- Which came first, the membrane or the metabolism?
- Beginning of life in this planet. Earth's electrical field.
- How, when and why did life evolved on earth.
- Lightning.
- When, how and why did single celled organisms started to evolve to complex creatures like humans.
- Correlations of evolution with ancient cultures.
- Is there life in other planets in another solar system?
- Where does the soul come from? Do our parents give us our soul together with their genetic material?
- How does the soul enter our body and how does it leave?
- Design of a human brain. Its primary reason.
- Decoding information from the Old Testament applying the Bible Code.
- What is our memory? How does it store information in our brain?
- Correlation with the magnetic recording system.
- The Unified Field Theory.
- Correlations with photonics and fiber optics technology.
- Space travel, quantum tunneling effect.
- Does our soul have any relationship with the cosmos?
- Why does life form evolves in the universe.

Shinning light
- What are the conscious and the subconscious minds? When do they develop?
- Conscious mind and the concept of time.
- Subconscious mind and when does it develop?
- Conscious, subconscious minds and brain waves.
- How does personality develop?
- Correlations of human mind and computer hard and software.
- Winning theories in our subconscious mind.
- How does Conservative, Liberal and Socialistic thoughts develop?
- Why our political systems are based on three major different thoughts?
- Is Darwinian evolution continuing?
- Sleep, dreams and astral plane.
- Out of body experience and Near death experience.
- Do we have a judgment day?
- What is heaven and what is hell?
- Angelic and demonic experiences
- Implanted vision
- Telepathic communications
- Communication with the spiritual world
- Extraterrestrial communications
- Resurrection
- Psychic reading.
- What makes us addicted to drugs that alter our mind?

Ancient light
- The Orion theory of the Pyramids of Gizeh.
- Why were Osiris and Isis the God and Goddess of the underworld?
- Did the Babylonians know the solutions to the unified field theory?
- What are the three Biblical periods? When does the end period start?
- Interpretation of the Adam and Eve story.
- The story of Pandora, Greek mythology.
- Noah and the great flood story. What Hebrew twist does the story have that does not appear in the flood stories of other ancient beliefs that predate Noah?
- Abraham —One man one God.
- Joseph—the Master of Dreams.
- The story of Moses.
- Death of the First Born—the tenth plague.
- Dark clouds of Passover.
- What does the "Ten Commandments” signify? Why is it “Ten” commandments" that God wrote upon “two stone tablets” and not any other number? What are the two stone tablets represents?
- The story of King David.
- Who are Prophets? Why are Prophets chosen by God?
- Why is the Bible silent about the personal life of the prophets?
- A scientific explanation regarding the current situation in the world (before and after September 11, 2001) and the future of humanity.
Available in paper-back edition
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A Window to a whole new world |
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. |
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