![]() What is our memory? How does it store information in our brain? The physiological process of storing new memory (or learning) is believed to be a modification of the transmission pathways of the nervous system. Today neuroscientists are actively studying the cellular mechanism by which neurons store memories. One theory is that a change occurs in the Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) in the cells to code the memory. Another theory is that substances similar to “hormone” (known as “peptides”) in the brain are activated as an event is being stored as a memory. A third theory is that “neurotransmitters” are altered, as impulses are stored. In psychology, memory is defined as the storing of learned information, and the ability to recall that information when needed. Psychologists hypothesized that recollection of stored information (memory) is three step's processes. First, perception and registering of a stimulus, second, temporary maintenance of the perception, or short-term memory, and third, lasting storage of the perception, or long-term memory. Most psychologists identify two major types of long-term memory: procedural memory involves the recall of learned skills, and declarative memory denotes the remembrance of specific stimuli. For an event to be stored as long-term memory there must be a “period” (or time) of maturation, or information consolidation. Many physical and psychological factors influence what are remembered and what is forgotten. Theories postulated by psychologists to explain forgetting is the “theory of disuse,” where forgetting occurs because stored information is not used, and the interference of newly acquired information with stored information and vise versa. In some instances, memory loss is a physiological process, for example amnesia, strokes, cardiovascular disease, or dementia. Francis Crick, a Nobel Laureate in medicine for deciphering the structure of Deoxyribonucleic Acids (DNA), says that—”You, your joys and your sorrows, your memories and your ambitions, your sense of personal identity and free will, are in fact no more than the behavior of a vast assembly of nerve cells.” Albert Einstein conceived the theory of relativity after imagining himself traveling on a light wave through space, yet postmortem study of his brain has indicated nothing that explains how he used such visualizations to devise abstract theories. Several decades ago, neuroscientists looked for what they called the “grandmother neuron.” Their conclusion was one neuron holds grandmother’s face, another smell, and still another sound of her voice. Now they think she is in none of these places. Memory of grandmother’s face, they say, probably does not reside in a particular neuron, but exists in the changed connections between different sets of neural networks. (alignment) of light particles-photons or our soul by “electromagnetic field” (force) in the “field” (force) of gravity” within a person’s “body chemistry” (that is, quantum state in each atoms —quantum imprint), analogous to the storage mechanism in a “magnetic recording system,” the process by which memories are stored in the computers and audio-video tapes. Just as in a magnetic recording system, (for example, an audio or video tape and floppy and hard disc) the “information” (data, images, sound) is not actually stored on the tape or disc, rather it stores the “instruction” to recreate the original “Information.” In a magnetic recording system this process is achieved by the orientation of “rust particles” (usually ferrous oxide) that are imbedded on the surface of the tape of disc. In our brain, it is the light particles or photons instead of the rust particles that stores the instruction to recreate the original information. The “unification” of the four known “fundamental forces” (gravity, electromagnetic, the strong and the weak nuclear) is the process by which our memories and the memories in an audio-video tapes or a computer is stored, known as the magnetic recording system. Our whole world is created by words and is expressed through our deeds. My brain is “The Unified Theory.” So are yours and every brain in every organism that has a nervous system starting with a single cell organism stores its memory by this process. Unification of the four known fundamental forces occurs in our brain. In a vacuum nothing travels faster than light, however, even light is slowed down in many media. Many ordinary materials slow down light. Water, for instance, slows light to about 75% of its velocity in a vacuum. However, that type of speed reduction, associated with a material’s refractive index is limited. Diamond, which has one of the highest refractive indices of a transparent material, slows light by a factor of only 2.4. Reducing light’s speed by factors of tens of millions requires new effects that depend on quantum mechanics. In 2001, Lene Vestergaard Hau, a professor of physics and applied physics, at Harvard University, USA, have manipulated clouds of atoms with laser light so that pulses of light travel through the clouds at one twenty-millionth of their normal speed. A similar technique was applied by her to completely halt or freeze the light pulse, turning them into a “quantum imprint” on the atoms. The light pulse came to grinding halt or freezes and turns off. However, the information that was encoded in the light pulse was not lost. Later, another laser beam converts the halted or frozen pulses back into a moving light pulses with all the original properties restored. The original information was already imprinted on the atoms’ states, and when the pulse halted or froze, that imprint was simply frozen in place, somewhat as a sound recorded on a magnetic tape. The frozen pattern imprinted on the atoms contains all the information about the original light pulse.