![]() Physicists, astronomers and cosmologists are trying to conceive a unified theory that will explain the origin of the big bang and the universe that is around us. This can be achieved by combining the theory of relativity (theory of space and time) and quantum mechanics (theory of matter). The theory of relativity represents four dimensions—three of space and fourth is "time." Time is a human concept or invention that describes "movement in space." Theorists have long sought to unite gravity with quantum field theory to create a "theory of everything." For the past decade, the leading candidate for achieving such a unification has been the Super String Theory. This theory unifies the four known fundamental forces that govern our known universe, and will explain the moment of the big bang. However, no scientist can ever experimentally verify the super string theory. The approach that I have taken to find a solution to the unified field theory is different from that of the theoretical physicists, astronomers, and cosmologists. The difference is due to "the reason" that lead me to look for the answer. My goal in the unification is also to find a theory of everything. What is everything? Is everything what we see, hear, touch, smell, and taste? Or, is everything that we know about ourselves and the universe that we live? Or, both? All our thoughts and knowledge, whether theoretical or experimental originated, stored, and retrieved from our minds. Our perception of the universe (including ourselves) is directly proportional to the knowledge that we have acquired about it. Everything from the big bang theory to understanding the function and ability of the human mind come from the mind. The brain is the most complex structure that is known in the universe. The human brain is the most complexly organized form of matter in the known universe. Some scholars had calculated that the number of possible permutations and combinations of brain activity exceeds the number of elementary particles in the known universe. My approach to finding a solution to the unified theory differs from a scientist's because for me everything comes from the "mind." It is the mind where all the ideas meet. It is our mind that conceives the theories and verifies them experimentally. Whether it is the theory of relativity or Charles Darwin's natural selection makes no difference, because the process is same. Once this correlation between the theory and the experiment is established, we form a "concept." This process when documented and verified by other minds becomes known as a scientific process. The mind directs the body. No mind—no sensation of light or sound. If we feel good we look good, not the other way around. It is the mind that wrote the scriptures from divine inspiration. How does "The Divine" inspire us? Who is "The Divine?" Do we really have control over our minds or are we governed by forces? What happens to our minds when we sleep? What is "mental illness?" How do they develop? Can we find more effective treatments for mental illnesses? Every species of life that exists on earth is unique. A species is a life form that cannot breed successfully other than with its own kind. The human being is one such specie. Yet, we think of ourselves uniquely different from the others. Why? Why do we have the need to know about the world around us? Why do we ask ourselves such questions as--the meanings of life? What makes us unique from other species is our brain. The human brain is responsible for everything that makes human beings human. It is responsible for our memories, our thought processes, our flights of genius and our speech capacities. Every thing that makes us human is brain centered. Our mind is located in our brain. We do not consciously think about the mind or how it functions, until it breaks down. In the last millennium, neurologists, psychologists, and biologists have zeroed in more and more precisely on the physical causes of mental disorders. They found themselves addressing a much deeper mystery, a set of interrelated conundrums probably as old as humanity. What, precisely, is the conscious and the sub-conscious mind, the elusive entity where intelligence, decision making, perception, and senses of self reside? Where is it located? How does it work? Does it arise from purely physical processes? Is it only pulses of electricity zapping from brain cell to brain cell, helped along their way by a myriad of complex chemicals? Or, is it something beyond the merely physical, something ethereal that might be close to the spiritual concept of the "soul?" Philosophers of the past had no shortage of ideas on the subject. In the 4th c. BCE, Plato convinced that the mind must be located inside the head, because the head is shaped like a sphere (the perfect shape). He also championed the concept of judgment after death in his "Gorgias," a consideration of several ethical questions. In "Phaedrus," (death scene of Socrates, in which he discusses the theory of Forms, the nature of the soul, and the question of immortality) he postulated an immortal soul that strove ever upward after gaining its freedom from the flesh. Aristotle insisted that the mind was in the heart. His reasoning was that the heart pumps the blood. The blood is warm, and warmth implies vitality. By the Middle Ages, most of the people agreed that the mind arose from the brain, even though most of them had no clear idea how it arose. In the seventeenth century, the French philosopher Rene Descartes declared that the mind, while it might live in the brain, was a non-material thing, entirely separate from the physical tissues found inside the head. Technological development in the world helped science to catch up with philosophy. Powerful technologies such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) have provided a window on the human brain. However, commonly used phrase is-Our eyes are the windows to our soul. The light rays that are striking in our eyes bring the instruction to recreate the original information that creates our universe in our brain. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), used in hospital body-scanners, works by wobbling atomic nuclei with magnets and picking up the faint radio signals that result. These instruments let scientists watch a thought taking place, and see the red glow of fear erupting from the structure known as the amygdala responsible for our emotion. Using sensitive electrodes inserted deep into the gray matter of test animals, neuroscientists have watched vision as it percolates inward from the eye's retina to the inner brain. There is a great deal more to the world than light meeting our eyes, sound waves hitting our eardrums, physical sensations on our skin and taste. The world we see is virtually an invention of our brain, actively constructed from a constantly changing flood of information-a reality that is sometimes real and sometimes virtual. Soul, in many philosophies, is the immaterial elements that, together with the material body, constitute the human individual. In general, the soul is conceived as an inner vital and spiritual principle, the source of all bodily functions (including mental activities). The belief in the existence of souls may have important social consequences by reinforcing moral obligations and by serving as a guiding principle in life. Our soul is a separate entity that possibly has mass and volume. To define what is the soul I have to refer back to Albert Einstein's the "theory of relativity." The theory (verified by science) states that all clocks mechanical and biological ticks more slowly as they approach the speed of light. All life forms age slowly if it is traveling near the speed of "light." That is to say if a life form is traveling at the speed of light (hypothetical), it will be "immortal" because the clock in the spaceship will stop forever. That is why our "soul is immortal." Our soul is nothing but light particles or photons that are trapped ("quantum imprints” in the atoms’ state) within us and it is the "fifth dimension" mentioned in the book "The Bible Code." Michael Drosnin, author of the Bible Code, states in his book that Albert Einstein’s “theory of relativity” is encoded in the Five Books of Moses-the Old Testament. He also states, that the full understanding of the universe that eluded Einstein, known as the Unified Field Theory or Unified Theory may also have been encoded in the TORAH, when it was written 3000 years ago. Albert Einstein spent the last thirty years of his life to find a solution to the Unified Field Theory; however, he was unsuccessful in his try. The Bible code gave Mr. Drosnin the same clue (“add a fifth part”) once with Albert Einstein’s name and again with “the theory of relativity.” If the readers, now correlates with Mr. Drosnin’s findings and my thoughts or how I had derived to the conclusion that soul in any organism is nothing but “light particles” or photons that are trapped within the organism, they will notice that I was deriving the same information, from the same source, except my computer linked together Albert Einstein, the theory of relativity and add a fifth part. My computer is my brain, and the computer that Mr. Drosnin used to decode these information’s does not have these “links.” Our soul is a separate entity that possibly has mass and volume. To define what is our soul I have to refer back to Albert Einstein’s the “theory of relativity.” The theory (verified by science) states that all clocks mechanical and biological ticks more slowly as it approaches the speed of light. All life form ages slowly if it is traveling near the speed of light That is to say, if a life form is traveling at the speed of light (hypothetical), it will be “immortal” because the clock in the spaceship will stop forever. That is why our soul is immortal. Our soul is nothing but “light particles” or photons that are trapped within us. Mr. Drosnin concluded, "The Answer," i.e., solution to the Unified Field Theory that Einstein was seeking will be found not in our three dimensions of space, or Einstein’s fourth dimension of time, but in the fifth dimension, that all quantum physicists now agree exists. Mr. Drosnin also states that Dr. Eliyahu Rips, the world famous Israeli mathematician who founded the Codes, say—the most ancient religious texts also state that there is a fifth dimension, and they call it “a depth of good and a depth of evil.” To find this “fifth dimension” Mr. Drosnin, met with Sidney Coleman, chairman of Harvard University’s physics department and one of the leading experts on the origin of the universe, and Alan Guth, a physicist at M.I.T. Both of them, in separate interviews, had told Mr. Drosnin, that most physicists now agree that there is a fifth dimension, but modern science or no one can yet define what it is, and stated an apparent paradox-that the fifth dimension is smaller than the nucleus of an atom, but that we, our whole universe, are inside it. These statements also correlate with "The Book of Creation," or Sefer Yetzirah, (written by Hebrew Patriarch Abraham) of all life forms living in a five-dimensional world or universe. Light is electromagnetic energy, as are radio waves, radar, television and radio signals, x-rays, and electronic digital pulses. Electromagnetic energy is radiant energy that travels through free space at about 300,000 km per second or 186,000 miles per second. An electromagnetic wave consists of oscillating electric and magnetic fields at right angles to each other and to the direction of propagation. Thus, an electromagnetic wave is usually depicted as a sine wave. The main distinction between different waves lies in their frequency or wavelength. Frequency, of course, defines the number of sine-wave cycles per second and is expressed in hertz. Wavelength is the distance between the same points on two consecutive waves (or it is the distance a wave travel in a single cycle). Wavelength and frequency are related. Wavelength (lambda) equals the velocity of the wave (v) divided by its frequency (f). In free space or air, the velocity of an electromagnetic wave is the speed of light. Light is electromagnetic energy with a higher frequency and shorter wavelength than radio waves. Visible light has wavelength from 380 nm for deep violet to 750 nm for deep red. Infrared light has longer wavelength (lower frequencies) than visible light, whereas ultraviolet light has shorter ones. A particle of light is called a photon, which is a quantum or bundle of energy. The photon is actually a strange particle, for it has zero rest mass. If it is not in motion, it does not exist! In this sense, it is not a particle as, say, marbles, stones, or ink drops are particles. It is a bundle of energy that acts like a particle. A quantum exists in fixed discrete units of energy-you cannot have half a quantum or 5.33 quanta. The amount of energy possessed by a photon depends on its frequency. The amount of energy increases as frequency increases: higher frequency means more energy. Wavelength of violet light has more energy than those of red light because they have higher frequencies. Fiber optics is a method of using this information carrying potential of light. Most fiber-optic systems use infrared light between 800 nm and 1500 nm because glass fibers carry infrared light more efficiently than visible light. The high frequencies of light have made it of such interest to communications engineers because a higher frequency carrier means greater information carrying capacity. In May 1994, astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope reported finding what they said was conclusive evidence of the existence of an extraordinary powerful “black hole” in the center of a galaxy fifty million light-years away. Einstein predicted black holes and the concept of light having “weight” (weight is mass multiplied by gravity) as part of his general theory of relativity. It is also well known through out human history that there is a weight loss after death. That is to say, our body weighs less after we die than it did when we are alive. Some scholars would attribute this weight loss due to loss of water from our body, while others would agree that something does indeed leave our body, something that has mass and volume. I leave it up to the believers and skeptics to make their own judgment about the validity of this phenomenon. If we compare ourselves with our solar system, our physical body is made-up of earth material. The earth has minerals, as does are our bones. The sun gives out light, and so does our soul. Our soul is made of light particles or photons. The earth revolves around the sun. Our body revolves around our mind, which is the interaction between our soul and the body. When we die, our physical body goes back to the earth, and our soul detaches from the body and goes back to the universe as electromagnetic radiation. The same process by which sun emits its energy. All life forms that had existed on this planet have the same soul. The soul of an organism is spread through out its entire living tissues, but concentrated more in its nervous system (mainly in the brain), in the DNA (our genes), and RNA of every cell. The mind, which is the interaction between our soul and body varies from organism to organism. This is due to the difference in an organism's body chemistry, structure, complexity, references, and needs. The soul increased in mass and volume as life forms became more complicated through the process of "evolution." The process of evolution is fueled by the light particles or photons that are trapped within an organism. That is to say as the organism got complex in its molecular diversity and functions it absorbed in "quanta" (from the Latin word for "how much") more and more light particles. The more light particles an organism absorbed the more molecular diversities and functions it displayed.